

Participating In The Contest: Sharing About A Memorable Holiday

Name: Vu Anh Vy

Department: Ecommerce



This year, we were lucky to have a five-day holiday, which was truly a blissful moment for those of us who live far away from our families. For me, family is something very special and sacred, it is the greatest thing in life and the place I love the most.

I went back to my hometown on the busiest day, traveling over 100 km from Hanoi to Nam Dinh, but I didn't feel tired at all. Perhaps the joy of returning home made me forget all the fatigue. The weather during the holiday was also very pleasing, with golden rays of sunshine shining through every leaf, heralding the arrival of a hot summer. May is the most beautiful time when the green rice fields are in full bloom. The feeling of looking at a beautiful rice season is also very poetic, making my little soul tremble with excitement. Leaving the crowded city behind and returning to the familiar village roads, the purity, coolness, and tranquility all brought a sense of ease.



Since I was aware of everything in the world, my family has been running a restaurant. Perhaps for many people, holidays are the time to eat out, go sightseeing, or take a trip to a faraway place. But for my family, it is still a holiday, still a time for smiles, still a time when the family is together, but also a time to work and make money. Everything with my family has been the same for decades, and we understand that without working, there is no money to go to school or support the family's life. My father still hopes that one of us will follow his profession, but I know that choosing a career is a matter of personal preference, and he always supports us. 



I have three younger and beautiful sisters, and I always feel happy whenever I'm with my siblings. I am fully aware of the importance of each member in my family, especially after losing my beloved mother. My second sister has a strong personality that resembles my father the most. She's still rebellious and we often have different opinions due to our two-year age gap. My third sister is already in 11th grade, and she's the most persistent in pursuing her own goals, which is something not everyone can achieve. As for my youngest sister, she's the one we all love the most. She's had to endure many hardships since she was a child, so everyone always wants to give her the best things. Therefore, for me, no matter where I go or what I do, my top priority is always my three lovely sisters.



Elizabeth Berg once said, "You are born into your family and your family is born into you. No returns. No exchanges." Whenever I encounter something terrible in life and feel like I cannot overcome it, I always think of my family. They have always loved me and tried their best to give me a better life, and just thinking of that alone is enough to keep me going. I am not perfect, nor do I have any exceptional talents, but I have grown up at the right time to experience and understand this life.



Holidays like this help me understand my family a little bit more. Understanding each other is what makes a lasting bond, something that every family needs to have. We still have our own worlds, our own jobs, but the family will always be the foundation for us to continue pursuing the ideals of life. After the holiday, I returned to Hanoi to continue working. I chose Hanoi as the starting point of my life because it is so beautiful, even with its shortcomings and chaos, but when we look at it closely, it is still worth burning ourselves out for our aspirations.

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