

Participating In The Contest: Sharing About A Memorable Holiday

Name: Pham Thi Hoa

Department: Wholesale


"A child's innocence is as brief as childhood itself."

When I read this quote, it made me reflect.

In life, at each stage, we have different priorities. For me, my priority now is my family. While others may go on trips during holidays, living in a busy city like me, I choose a peaceful place to return to. GOING HOME IS ALSO A JOURNEY.

The trip started at 8 am. Normally, it would only take me an hour to get home, but today, due to heavy traffic on the highway, the journey seemed longer. I felt more pressure at this moment than meeting my KPIs at the end of the month. After a while, the driver finally managed to get out of this maze. Looking out the window, I saw the green rice fields, and I knew I was home.

My grandmother welcomed me home. She is over 80 years old now, but still healthy. She was delighted to see her grandchildren visiting. At her age, perhaps the happiest days are the ones spent with her grandchildren like this. My two young children also quickly joined the group of kids and found themselves a toy car. Seeing them happy and playful made me feel joyful too


Soon, the young men in my family started showing off their skills in grilling meat skewers. Today was the women's day off. No longer busy housewives preparing meals and doing chores. Today, we allowed ourselves to be "lazy" at home. The lunch was also tastier and warmer.


After taking a short nap, I and the children revisited our childhood memories. I grew up flying kites. In the city, with high-rise buildings, children often entertain themselves with TV, phones, or go to shopping centers. It had been a long time since I saw kites from my childhood. Kites carry hope and the dreams of one's childhood. Now, I also want my children to experience this. Watching the kites fly high, all the worries disappeared and turned into clouds drifting away with the kites. Life can be stressful at times, but seeing my children happy and playful motivates me. I hope my children will have a complete childhood like the one my parents gave me.



After a while, lost in my kite memories, I snapped back to reality by the sound of fishermen shouting to catch fish. The children and I ran to see what was happening. The farmers used a fishing net to catch fish in the river. It is rare to see this kind of work in the city. When I was a child, I often went fishing with my grandparents. Back then, I stood next to them and cheered them on, just like my children are now. For the children, it was strange, curious, and also enjoyable to see the farmers catching a bunch of fish.


When the sun set, it was time to head back home. When it was dark, everyone sat together, enjoying a meal and telling funny stories about life. Stories revolved around work, life experiences that people had gone through, now retold with joy and shared among everyone. In life, sometimes we forget about the spiritual values and simple joys like this. It is only later that we realize that happiness is just being at peace with our loved ones. After the meal, it was time for golden voices to show their talents. We all sang our favorite songs. The children danced around. Everything happened naturally and was full of happiness.


My holiday was just that simple, but it was a truly relaxing and restful time for me. How about you, where will you go this holiday?


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