

Participating in the contest: sharing about a memorable holiday

Name: ngo thao nguyen

Project room



A 5-day holiday? Unbelievable, what can I do in 5 days? So many plans had been brewing in my head for weeks: a day of mountain climbing, a day at the beach, a day strolling around the lake, a day at the cinema...

But in the end, all plans fell through! My child fell ill  😀

At certain stages of life, your plans are not entirely determined by you. Ironically, I have gotten used to it.

Day 1: At home taking care of my child, making a dish that the whole family loves: Spring Rolls (photos 1, 2).

In the afternoon, I spent time with my beloved child, hanging clothes on the balcony with a view of the peak of building 789 👌🏻 At home - still happy (photo 3).



Day 2: Thank goodness, my child is feeling better now. So, I cleaned the house, took care of the plants (a small gift from the company) and Let's go! Let's go out and have some fun!! With my child, we admired Hoan Kiem Lake, visited a museum, and experienced many new things (photos 4, 5, 6, 7).



Just waking up from being sick, but the whole family is determined to run a lap around the lake, my baby did not forget to "support" the bear by buying a small candy for 20,000 VND 😭 (photos 8, 9, 10).



I rewarded myself and my teammates with a cup of Yu Tang and a huge piece of chicken (photo 11). 😆



Day 3: I spent time with my greatest love: my aunt. She is the person I treasure most in my life! I took my mother out to eat something delicious; while taking pictures, my mother was complaining about spending money unnecessarily. My mother is always like that, she loves to be taken out to eat by her children, but at the same time, she is afraid of wasting their money, always sacrificing unconditionally for us.  😘 




Day 4: Time for the great loves. The holiday is almost over, isn't it? It went by so fast, and we haven't done anything yet!

We went to visit my grandparents in the countryside, my baby called my grandfather "CỤ" already. In the photo is my 89-year-old grandfather, he rarely talks, only likes to read poetry and play Chinese Chess; but every time he wins, he gives us money to buy ice cream or milk. Hihi.


My grandmother is even more adorable, she's almost 80 years old, asking us to take a picture but "No, no, I don't want to take a picture" and then running away, only managed to take a sneak photo of her back while she was carrying some cakes she had made for us to bring back to the city, really sweet!


My grandfather: 88 years old, likes to take pictures, likes to pose, likes Han characters, he is a living witness of our childhood. From childhood to adulthood, we lived with him and our grandmother until we were 8 years old when we moved out to live separately with our parents. To write about him, even five pages of paper would not be enough



Today is dedicated to these great loves. The tall trees that nurtured our childhood souls. Now that all the grandchildren are grown and have their own families, we only have the long holiday and the Tet holiday to visit our grandparents, partly due to work and family commitments... we know that time with our grandparents is precious



Day 5: Today is dedicated to Grandma, who has never scolded us or punished any of her grandchildren. She is kind and gentle, and no one can match her humility. Today is her death anniversary, it's been 5 years, but our hearts still feel warm, remembering her wrinkled hands, soft hair, and the small bag she always gave us whenever we came back from afar, reminding us to eat and drink enough. Today, all of us grandchildren gather here, and Grandma must be happy to see that the whole family is here. It's coincidental that today is also the village festival, and seeing the elders wearing red clothes in the village temple, the village festival is lively again after the pandemic.



After 5 days of vacation, we thought our plans had fallen apart, but we didn't expect that we gained so much meaning, spending time with small loves, big loves, and great loves. It's never enough, and we always cherish these moments and leave behind happy memories for the future. Returning to work and daily life, the adults go to work, the children go to school, and we all strive towards meaningful goals in the present and future.


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