
SHARE ABOUT MEMORABLE VACATION (Nguyen Tran Thuy Linh - Accounting)



The 5-day long-awaited April 30th - May 1st holiday has finally begun. I hope everyone and their families have a safe, happy, and meaningful holiday. I also had a complete and warm holiday for myself.

On the first day, I went to a café with two college friends. The three of us have a photo album on Facebook called "Happy Cooperation". We met each other in 2017, studying in the same university class. When we first entered college, we thought that it would be impossible to have close friends because each person was from a different place, didn't know each other from childhood, and didn't know each other's families. But in the first semester, the three of us became close friends. At the beginning of our friendship, we were very worried about the possibility of one of us feeling left out in a group of three. But it has been over 6 years, and no one has ever felt left out, even though sometimes only two of us will go out together. "Happy Cooperation" was built based on our shared interest in Kpop, then developed based on trust, compromise, and our love for each other. Even though all three of us are now working, we always manage to meet up at least once a month. And so, in April, "Happy Cooperation" met up and checked in.



On the second day, I visited my aunt's house. A few days ago was her birthday, but our whole family waited until the holiday to celebrate with her. Her house is always the place I want to return to the most. Because as soon as I enter the gate, I see my aunt and uncle smiling happily. Every time I come back, my uncle always says, "We have to eat something delicious since our niece is here." Every time I come back, my aunt asks if my mom and I have eaten this or that, then she buys them for me to take back to Hanoi. The time spent at my aunt's house is always the best, getting to see my aunt and uncle, and spending time with my younger siblings who consider me their older sister. My aunt's second daughter once said that I was one of the "most important women in her life," and my aunt's son once said, "you have three older sisters: Trang, Cuc, and Linh". My deepest memory with my aunt is probably the day my grandmother passed away. I was still a second-year college student at the time, and after finishing my grandmother's affairs, I had to go to Hanoi immediately because I had an exam the next day. As I was leaving the gate, my aunt ran out, crying while giving me money and saying, "Grandma loves you the most." Sometimes I think that maybe my grandmother sent her love to me through my aunt and her children, because I don't know where my family's love for me comes from.

Thank you, Auntie, thank you, Uncle, thank you to my siblings for using infinite love to envelop this imperfect older sister. And, happy birthday to my aunt.


On the third day, I went out with my younger sister. I have two younger sisters, both of whom are my father's children with his wife. Although we don't live together and rarely meet, we are very close. My youngest sister is still very young, so only my other sister and I went out together. We had lunch, went shopping, took photos, and bought gifts for the youngest sister. During holidays, my youngest sister always asks me if I'm coming to visit. We rarely see each other except during major holidays such as Tet, so during these times, I always make an effort to be there for her or pick her up to spend time together. As my younger sister grows up, she starts to share more with me, wanting to spend time with me, and expressing her affection towards me. The more time my sisters and I spend together, the more we realize our shared interests and habits. We often tease each other and say, "we're really sisters!" when we discover our similarities. When we find habits or interests that resemble our father's, we say to each other, "we're definitely Dad's children". Thanks to my two little sisters, I have learned to love more. As an only child, I was always loved, pampered, and indulged. However, when I have my sisters, I have learned to compromise, take care of them, always try to buy things they like, and take them out to play whenever possible. I'm so lucky to have two little sisters.

On the last two days, I spent time for myself. I watched a Taiwanese movie called "Copycat Killer" by Japanese author Miyabe Miyuki, finished reading the book "The Calmer You Are, The Happier You Are" by author Van Tinh, taught myself a few Chinese phrases, played with my uncle's dog that I was taking care of, went to a café with my friend Huyen (although I forgot to take pictures), watched the news with my grandmother, and took care of plants with my mother. Time passed like this, and I'm grateful for this holiday that allowed me to spend time with my family, friends, and myself. As the holiday ends, I hope everyone will continue to strive, work hard, and look forward to the next holiday.

See you soon.

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