
What are the procedures for importing cosmetics from Europe to Vietnam?

Registering a business and obtaining an import license: You need to register a business in Vietnam and obtain an import license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Checking technical standards: Before importing, you need to check whether your product meets the technical standards and safety regulations of Vietnam. You can contact relevant agencies for more details

Calculating taxes and fees: You need to calculate taxes and fees such as import taxes, value-added tax (VAT), delivery fees, and insurance fees.

Registering product quality management: According to Vietnam's regulations, imported cosmetic products must be registered for quality management at the Ministry of Health.

Performing customs procedures: When the goods have been transported to the port, you need to perform customs procedures, including customs declaration and goods inspection.

Receiving the goods and making payment: When the above procedures are completed, you can receive the goods and make payment to the supplier.

Note that regulations and procedures may change over time and depend on each type of product. Therefore, you should carefully research the process and requirements of relevant agencies before starting the import process

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