
Can traditional General Trade still develop amidst the rapidly changing technology?

In today's digital age, traditional General Trade business has become more challenging than ever before. With the explosion of information technology, the shopping needs of customers have changed, and this has affected traditional General Trade businesses. However, if done correctly, General Trade business can still thrive in the age of technology.

Impact of technology on General Trade business

The boom of e-commerce E-commerce is becoming an important part of modern life. With the convenience it brings, many consumers have switched to online shopping instead of going to traditional stores. This poses a big challenge for traditional General Trade businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

The development of mobile applications The development of mobile applications has changed the way consumers shop and interact with businesses. The use of mobile phones to shop online is becoming more popular than ever, and this poses a challenge for traditional General Trade businesses.

The development of new technologies New technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, are changing the way traditional General Trade businesses operate.

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